Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Funky tongue alert: Is your tongue begging for a healthier lifestyle?

Healthy tongue, healthy lifestyle

Your tongue isn’t only there to help you eat and talk to people, it can also show signs of bad health. If your tongue looks or feels funky, it doesn’t always mean that there is a problem with your oral hygiene; the colour and texture of your tongue also tells you about digestive issues and body imbalances that you may be having. Here are some of the most common symptoms of a funky tongue and how you can reverse it to get your healthy lifestyle back:

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

South Africa & Mental Health Awareness

As the national attention turns to psychiatric issues during this time, it may be a good starting point for us to raise awareness on mental illnesses in general. Here’s an overview of some of the daunting mental illnesses that many individuals combat every day, contained in the DSM-V:

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Summertime Sports to Tackle With Friends & Family

Hospital cover
Now that the cold winter inertia has receded from our family lives, it’s time to become active again. Finally, we have the opportunity to mess around outside and have some fun in the sun – who you do this with, is up to you. Just make sure you don’t miss a beat and are spending your time with the right people this summer. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

How Does Emergency Treatment Work?

How much do you spend on your medical aid scheme payments, and how does it help you in the case of an emergency?

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Are you medically covered in case of an emergency?

Medical Aid
Accidents happen when you least expect them. Unfortunately, they can leave you in a very sticky situation, especially if you’re not fully covered by a reliable medical aid. However, it’s not something you think about on a daily basis, in which case you may not be aware of the possible risks you’re facing.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

How To Make Your Medical Benefits Last

How is your medical savings account looking? We are in the third month of the year. If you feel as though your medical funds are beginning to thin out a bit too quickly, it’s time to plan ahead.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Is your water safe to drink?

Clean, safe water is often taken for granted, thinking it’s a given. But have you ever considered how safe your water really is? 

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Need A Different Medical Scheme?

Are you not completely satisfied with your current medical scheme? There are a few things that you may need to consider when deciding whether or not to join a different scheme. Ask yourself the following questions:

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Is your birthing plan covered?

medical aid scheme

Giving birth probably has to be one of the most exciting moments in any woman’s life, unless your medical aid scheme doesn’t cover all the necessary aspects. In case you’re planning to fall pregnant soon, or you recently got the surprise of your life – planning is key to creating the type of birth you’re after.

Three types of birthing options:

Friday, 22 January 2016

Do You Need Medical Gap Cover?

What is worse than receiving a bill for medical treatment even though you are a part of a medical aid scheme? A large medical bill is not a “surprise” you want. Fortunately, there is a way to ensure that this does not happen to you.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Why having a trusted Medical Aid is vitally important

medical aid scheme
Perhaps you’re contemplating why signing up for a medical aid is really that important? You may not be sick often, or be using prescription medication - so why pay for something you’re not using? There are many things that’s acceptable to skip out on when the going gets tough, but ditching your medical aid isn’t one of them. 

This is why…